Monday, March 11, 2013

Sleeping As I Write

Ever had one of those days where you can't seem to wake up no matter what you do? That's me today. I'm literally a zombie in regards to brain power (my wraiths would be highly offended to know that they're being told what to do by such a lesser being of the undead! Rebellion!) I just snored for the past forty minutes and I'm still exhausted.
Curse Benjamin Franklin and his ever so brilliant idea for a time change. I don't agree.
Oh, I'm not writing three paragraphs today, I'm too tired, and kind of grouchy, plus no one else is doing my challenge, so why bother? (Sorry, moment of discrete depression)
Oh more fun news? I get to go to the class that torments me today. Yay. I'd drop it if I could.
Sad story to go along with all my randomness in this post today, I woke up on Saturday with a throbbing leg, it still hurts today, shifting positions REALLY hurts, it's still a mystery to what I did. I'M not really sure what happened, only that it was hurting like three days before and exploded on Saturday. Either I did some injury then, or I slept so violently, I broke something. Huh, never heard of that one before, almost as stupid as me hurting my knee just by sitting down.

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