Monday, March 18, 2013

Panting towards the finish line

I never realized how much work it would be to get a book ready for editing. I'm trying to send it in this week, but there is quite a lot to double check, especially if your book is 473 pages long with about 46 chapters. It's a real pain in the neck! Especially since I have to search the entire thing for before/after spacing and I don't know how to do that with the 'find' option, (I swear that thing has become my best friend.)
Yeah, so on top of that, I'm doing okay. Kind of sad because Lindsey Stirling is coming to my state to perform, and I can't see her because she's performing in a club of some sorts and I won't put myself into that kind of environment. :( Hopefully she'll come back and perform in a place where I can, so for now, I'll buy a t-shirt of hers and support her like that. :)
I love her music. FYI, especially, Zi-Zi's Journey, I like the echoed voice in the background of that song. :)
Oh, and the problem with my class in school? Well, I switched it to B days and I am praying with my fingers crossed that there will be SOMEONE reasonable in that class and that I don't get stuck with a freshman as my partner again (don't mean to offend, I've just left a horrible freshman partner who spent most of the time talking to his idiot buddy (pardon my French) rather than working with me like he should have been) and I'm sick of that kind of behavior. Come on people, act like your age, we're not in grade school anymore.
You'd think by now people would get that, but they don't and I've been suffering through 17 years worth of it.
Whatever, not worth getting all hissy about, but I'll probably be whining about this tomorrow or on Wednesday if the class goes badly (as I'm predicting it probably will, lack of faith on my part? Completely, I feel dried out from all these horrible social failures that make me happy that most of my friends are fictional and I get to decide what they do) look I'm whining already :)
Oh well, carpe diem, mates.
I hope your Monday goes better than mine is starting, but I did have chocolate for breakfast, (chocolate Chex! Yum!) so I'm just waiting for that sugar to kick in and I'll be fine.

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