Monday, March 4, 2013

Brain Strain

So, for the past 2 months I've been working on a book that doesn't want to be finished. I thought I was getting REALLY far, until, I crashed, and my brain no longer has any creative juices left to milk from.
It's like trying to milk lemon juice from a brick. Kinda painful.
It makes me want to do this really,
(copied from the Word program, the picture is NOT mine, its rights still belong to its owner)
Anyway, so here's my solution.
I'm not going to write it anymore.
Yeah, that's right.
I'm not writing it anymore.
This is a simple technique I like to call, "run away before your brain blows up."
I'm not quitting, oh no, I'm just going to go work on another project BEFORE my head blows. I mean, I'm already nuts enough, (as seen by my latest video) why should I risk anymore craziness? Yeah, so I'm going to let this book sit for a month and then come back to it in April when I've gotten all done with writing another book. Hopefully my sudden streak of being unable to finish a book will NOT continue. I'm sick of starting and never finishing, (see picture above)
Oh and for the record, I'm REALLY happy that the weather is warmer, if you can consider 31 degrees warm, but it at least LOOKS warm, and that's all that counts :)

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