Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trying to Drag This On

Yesterday was very awkward.
Like I said in my Monday post, I had to go to another doctor about this recent issue concerning heart problems. They basically did the same thing as all the other doctors did. Took an EKG (extremely awkward, I won't say anything past that :D) and then they worked on their own time frame and made my dad, my sister, and me wait for nearly an hour before the doctor finally showed his face for like five minutes.
Of course you know, my heart does not palpitate on command and they need to see what it's doing as it palpitates to figure out what the heck is going on with it. And because my heart loves me SOOO much, it had to palpitate five seconds (ish) after the EKG was over. Come on!
How did they solve this problem? Well, they hooked me up with at Holt (or Holter, can't remember which!) monitor which is basically the size of an ancient MP3 player that can't play music or do anything beyond measure a heartbeat and wired me up like everywhere on my chest (okay, it's only four places, but it feels like everywhere!) and was told that I have to live with this sucker stuck to me for 24 hours, I know, I know. End of the world. Whine, whine, whine :) actually I didn't do much but sulk and felt like I was wasting my parent's money over something that's nothing.
Anyway 2 hours to go and I can get rid of the Holt/Holter monitor so we can send it back and the doctor can look at it and see what's going on. I hope that they'll be able to figure it out, it's been a bumpy month since this started and I'd like to end it, but eh, you know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)
Yeah, that's the story of my life right now. I barely managed to do anything productive yesterday because I didn't want to move, I was so tired, but extremely grateful. See, in my books, I've got this joke going with a certain chapter, I'm not giving anything away, but let's just say that this chapter was ridiculously short which was nice and then I wrote five pages of the next chapter which was also nice. (I only write about a chapter and a half everyday, doesn't seem like much, but you can get close to 100 pages a week like this! Depending on how long your chapters are...mine are only 8-14 pages long and sometimes I get lazy and don't want to start a new one, I have a couple chapters that are 26 pages long!) anyway, the short chapter helped immensely. I just hunkered in my bed and read Percy Jackson and watched Little House on the Prairie. Ah, I love Wi-Fi.
Anyway, I'm trying to drag out this morning to 9:45 when I can take the monitor off. I'm super groggy because I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm also extremely dizzy. Hopefully I can pull myself together long enough to finish school and then I think I'm going back to bed.
Oh and special thanks to MeganChocolate for following my blog. (And to Kanai, sorry, probably butchered that!) I like knowing that people are reading this. :)
And thanks for all your comments Rachel and Allie. I love them and try to reply, but yesterday. uck. Yeah, long story short, I really wasn't in any condition to type anything intelligent!
And Rachel, I hope this is my break into the publishing world as well. All my fingers are crossed, along with my toes. Best of luck with your books. :)
This describes how I do NOT feel right now.
This is Tiffany Alvord singing, here is her YouTube page in case you want more, she keeps it pretty clean, so don't worry.
And now, I'm done, writing...zzz

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Tayla here, I am HAPPY :) :D to announce that as of 60 seconds ago, I am free from the Holt/Holter device. Ahhh!
    Longest 24 hours of my life.
    Hopefully it did something and I didn't just waste 24 hours and hopefully they won't make me wear it again! :)
    Freedom! It has never felt so good!
    Yes, I'm being dramatic. :)
