Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello Monday

I'm unbelievably happy to have something to write. It makes me happy to know that I have a plot to weave and not just long hours spent in front of my computer beating my forehead into the screen because I don't have anything.
It's nice.
I'm on the first draft of a new book, and even though I've written at least 11 of these suckers for various books, I can't say it gets any easier. Sure I understand now that I'm not getting published on the first draft (I made the mistake once of thinking I could get away with it, reread and decided I couldn't) but that doesn't help much when I'm thinking about how my readers will choke over that cheesy scene, gag over the next one etc. It takes persistence to keep writing a first draft, they're supposed to be ugly, full of holes and gasping for breath by the time you finish.
It's like an intense workout, you don't get strong if you don't suffer, but you're incredibly happy by the time you finish and can take a break!
Oh and a happy note. My older sister finished her semester in college last Thursday. She's my writing buddy, and we have friendly (and sometimes less so) competitions on who can finish their books first, granted winner doesn't get anything over the loser, but it's still a good way to get those creative juices flowing when she says that she's got two chapters ahead of me! :)
And then on a less happy note, I'm still having heart problems (at 17!? Come on!) and it's making me dizzy and nauseous and last Saturday chest pain was added into the picture. I have to go to the doctor's tomorrow at 8 in the morning so they can run more tests. I'm not sure how I should feel, scared? Upset? Annoyed even? I've seen two doctors about this and they kept telling me that it's nothing, growing pain even. Um I've grown up as tall as I'm going to get (5'4, lame, my younger brother is taller than me!) how can it be growing pains!?
Anyway, we're a week away from sending my book to an editor. I've got my fingers crossed that she'll like it, I did spend the last two years on it and I'm kind of hoping to finally get something published this year. I've spent the last 7 years trying to. Hopefully fixing my book after the editing won't cause me to throw in the towel, I know it's tough to look at what has been pointed out to you as wrong. A good friend read my book for me and sent me 15 pages of advice on what to fix, at first I was shocked and stammering to make excuses, but then I had to sit down (literally, I couldn't stop pacing because my brain was moving too quickly) and realize the facts, my friend was right, she could see what my brain refused to accept about my precious manuscript. But that didn't stop it from being any less painful or making me feel any less stupid for missing the things my friend pointed out.
I'm glad she took the time to read my book and send me 15 pages worth of advice, the questions she posed and the things she pointed out helped me write a much better draft.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but it probably will give you a headache as you go through it :)


  1. I completely agree about the pains of having your manuscript (aka baby) edited. Good job working your way through the rough draft of another book! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that this is it--your break into the publishing world.

    1. Me too! My fingers, toes and everything else (ankles? Spleen?) are crossed. I've been striving for this for close to ten years! But at least it feels obtainable now, not like a far-fetched dream. Best feeling in the world knowing that your dreams are within reach. :)
