Monday, July 8, 2013

Found, Sort of

Okay, I know, my post on Friday was really depressing. But I was backed into a corner and felt like I (nerdy reference here) was Eowyn getting attacked by the Witch-king and he'd managed to push me against a wall and I had nowhere to run and now way to call for help as he attacked me. And let's face it, I'm no Eowyn, faced up against a wraith and I'd be screaming my brains out, especially if it was one like the Witch-king.
But, if you can tell, my tone is a bit peppier. thankfully my Merry came through and I may not have defeated the Witch-king, but at least I got him out of my face. My characters can be really defensive for me sometimes (or at least, I like to think so, I'm not crazy, trust me =D) and there is no way that they're going to suffer so much only to have me quit! I'd like to pretend that they helped me escape that corner, and the one I find the most annoying is usually the one taking up the most slack and yes I mean the Secret Keeper. He's so stubborn! But when I need him the most, he's always there. My imaginary fight with Tolkien's big bad wraith (ha! as opposed to wolf!) was fended off by my big bad spider.
Sorry, that paragraph hardly made any sense. I'm still on the verge of falling back into that corner and I know that the Witch-king would me more than happy to attack me again. But I'm not quitting. I made it this far, you don't make it almost to your destination and then decide to turn around and go back. No! You keep going! Even if you have to claw through miles of burning lava to get there.
See, I'm such a nerd. Three months ago I wouldn't have even mentioned the Lord of the Rings, now it's like in every sentence. I've seen all the movies, played the Lego video game of it and read all the books within a month and a few weeks. I'm actually reading it again, or at least the first one. =)
Hopefully I won't get backed into that corner again. that was awful! I felt so hopeless. I'm still kind of scared, but I'll go crazy if I spend the whole day worrying about things that I have no control over. Though I decided yesterday that when fifteen people tell me that they loved Twisted I will go get wet for fun. I'm such a cat in that regard, I HATE being wet! I hate it so much I hiss at the idea of swimming, snarl at jumping in a lake, and growl at those who would dare throw a water balloon in my direction.
Okay, I'm more of a wraith. They hate getting wet too. That's why all of the Nine stopped at the ford as Arwen's horse stood in the water. None of them liked the idea of being wet, and I would've been wailing my head off too seeing that wave coming. Oh my gosh! I'm going to get wet! though most of the Nazgul must've been thinking curse the elves! and possibly well, my mother did tell me I needed a shower...
So you can tell why it'd be such a big deal for me to go get wet for fun. I'd even make a video of it. When fifteen people tell that they like my book, I'll do it. When thirty people tell me...yikes. I'll have to think up a real good one for that. =)
Anyway, with my random blabbering, I guess you can tell that I'm better. I'm planning on finishing the second book of Twisted today (BTW it's called Entangled, used to be Entwined, but the third book has a smiliar name and that was just too confusing!) and it's going to be a lot of work to get through, so I should go finish my chapter (57, yow! I have 600 pages! It was a fight to get that many!) But hey, on the upside, this is the last time that I'm ever going to rewrite it fully, after that I'm just going to do a lot of copying and pasting, but I think I'll let it sit for a bit. I've written it about 3 times since Christmas. That's a little much!
Hopefully next time I won't blabber so much, I'm basically writing everything that comes to mind. I apologize for that!


  1. Okay, my last comment was a little belated since you're feeling better now. And don't worry about the "nerdy" comments. I love Lord of the Rings--the movie at least. I have to admit that I didn't quite make it through the books. I'm going to have to try again one of these days. :)

    Good job plowing through your re-write again. That's no fun, but way rewarding when you look back at the improvements.

    1. Yeah, rewriting can kill, but in a way, I like it, it's like fleshing out and creating a bigger world, but sometimes I get so tired of rewriting I want to scream. Oh well.
      Still lots of nerdy comments to come though. :)
