Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week of Torture

So I'm starting to wish for camping. Seriously. This has been a week of torture and it's only about to get worse. I went to the dentist yesterday, and that was awful, but at least I was cavity free. Yay. I just didn't enjoy having them pushing up on my gums, which bled, a lot.
Then today I went to the doctors, again, and I have to got back for more tests, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to find anything because I'm getting this sneaky feeling that they're not looking in the right place, but I'm too afraid to actually say what I think they should look whatever right? An ulcer wouldn't cause palpitations, that's all I'm saying.
Sorry, I don't have much to say, I'm tired and I need to pack for an overnighter, so yeah :)


  1. How did your overnighter go? I'm glad you didn't have any cavities, but I'm so sorry about all your trips to the doctors. That has got to be so wearing on you. I don't know how you do it. You're a strong person.

    1. The overnighter was okay, it was at my grandparents, and I had positively no energy, no appetite, but they did leave the Wi-Fi on all night which I was okay with :)
