Friday, August 2, 2013

Coming Back

I'm such a nerd. I will say it willingly and with pride. I finished reading through my editor's notes and adding my own in less than a week, and now I'm pulling the final edit (fingers crossed that it is!) on my computer.
I feel less stupid for all the mistakes I made ;) and more ready to get on my computer and kill them. I managed to cut down on rambling parts, my first chapter went from 9 pages to 7. I actually think it's easier to understand without all the rambling I don't need to do what I refer to as a "information throw up."
We've all picked up a book where somewhere in it there was a blast of information and you come out of it winded and red faced. I picked up a book where that was the first page! Needless to say, I couldn't even make it past the first page, I put it down after the first paragraph.
I'm actually really excited to go back to using a computer. I've missed spending hours of staring at the screen willing something to appear...okay, maybe I haven't missed  that part of it, but I have missed typing. I finished  Entangled the second book of Twisted and I really had nothing to write. I'm glad to have something, and I've discovered that I really like editing, I'm working with material that already exists and I don't have to make it up. It's a nice break for my poor writer's brain. :D
Want to know something else that I'm glad for? That it's not last year. Last year, probably at this very moment, I would be in driver's ed. I shudder at the thought, but grateful that it's over!
Here's a scene we all remember and hate. Driver's Ed, Studio C, and yes I do watch Studio C on BYU TV, my whole family does. :)


  1. I can't believe how close you are!! Do you think you'll have it published next month, then? Or are you still a little way out?

    1. Perhaps a little way out. I'd like to have a few people read it to be sure I've caught every little typo. October for sure.
      I can't believe I'm so close too!
