Wednesday, August 14, 2013

End of my Rope

I've reached the end of my rope. It's like I'm getting barraged on every side with people screaming at me to do things. I'm inches from tearing my hair out (it's thick enough you wouldn't notice even if I did.)
Reality. It can be a painful thing. I feel like I'm trapped. I've spent my entire life being poor and listening to everyone around me complain about not having enough money for anything. I'm screaming inwardly. I don't want to spent the rest of my life as the weak woman that sobs in the corner, too poor to breathe.
But it seems that I have no way to NOT be her.
The end of my rope is a very painful place to be.
It feels like I got so close to my dreams, but I didn't realize I had soap on my hands, and now they're slipping away.


  1. Yeah. Reality can suck sometimes. But don't you dare give up on your dreams. You'll make it--after all these frustrating and endless days you're going to get there. One day you're going to be riding your own horse around thinking about how tiring it is spending half your time in book signings and speaking engagements. :)

    Everyone needs pity parties sometimes so I won't tell you not to have one, but when you're done please remind yourself that you've got a lot of life to live and it's going to take you places that you can't imagine right now.

    1. Someday I'm going to write a post about how much I hate book signings and speaking engagements. I give you permission to laugh at me. :D
