Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Guess what? I'm part ninja. I was so ninja on Monday while I was pretending to be the Secret Keeper (yes, I pretend to be my characters :D) and I withdrew my imaginary sword to point it at my foe and smacked my hand on my bookshelf knocking over all my binders and chopping up my middle finger in the process.
I am pro ninja.
So ninja that I have a battle wound that kept me up most of the night and I think is infected.
Sometimes I'm so stupid, I even surprise myself, but can't we all be that way at time? I've learned though, your stupidity is impossible to deal with unless you laugh. I was laughing at myself and promising that the next time I pretended to be Mr. Epic Wraith, I'd do it in a wide open space where there are no bookshelves that I can hit.
I'm also very proud of myself. Remember me whining about how my book was WAY over the YA mark...well, that may change. It is about twenty pages shorter. Who KNEW I didn't need all that stuff? I didn't. I thought it was life or death to keep it in. :)
I'm also finding it ridiculously funny how my siblings and I mocked Lord of the Rings for so long and then I pick up the books, start reading, and now I can't stop. We watched the Hobbit the Unexpected Journey (or adventure, can't remember which) and this will probably surprise you. I cheered when the Witch-King showed up. My older sister was like "Ah! Radagast!" I was "Wooo, Witch-King!"
Wish he'd been in there longer. He tops as my favorite. Except in the Lego game, he's always tapping his sword and hissing and I find that incredibly annoying, and yes, for the record, wraiths do hiss.
Next favorite would be Aragorn, and then Thorin. The pale orc dude tops at the very bottom. I'd rather hang out with all nine of the Nazgul for the afternoon than watch him for another thirty minutes. ;)
If you haven't seen the Hobbit, I'd suggest you go rent it. It's so FUNNY! It has a lighter tone that LOTR, I was laughing my head off at a lot of the jokes, especially Radagast's choice of mounts. The scene with Gollum is hilarious. I just found it odd that when Bilbo finds the ring he doesn't say "What's this? A ring?" like in the Fellowship of the Ring, but that aside...
I found one of my writing tics, I write just too much. It's just annoying how just just keeps creeping up in my sentences. I just can't take it anymore. I'm just going to stop using just.
I love the control find option. ;D It's just amazing.


  1. I'm going to have to rent the Hobbit and give it another go. I love Lord of the Rings, but I had a hard time getting into the Hobbit. I did laugh pretty hard at the end when the huge bird drops them off on the cliff a long way from their destination. I don't know if you saw the You-Tube How-It-Should-Have-Ended for Lord of the Rings, but the producers of the Hobbit obviously didn't. ;)

    1. The big bird ending was funny. My brother and sister were laughing, it's like "Okay, you're up there. How do you get down?"
