Friday, May 24, 2013


You know how a bad chapter can just wreck your day? Yeah, I'm having that today. I started writing today and pretty quickly I came across this general problem of suckage. My chapter sucked. It had no purpose. Oh sigh. It was from the Secret Keeper's POV and as I've said before, it's REALLY hard to write from his POV, especially if I don't set it up correctly. It's like, I set it up wrong and the Secret Keeper is like, "I'm only going along with this because I know you'll feel stupid in the end." Yeah, I figured it out, I've got to come in with a different POV and then go to the Secret Keeper.
I'm also really tired. Tired of school, tired of coughing all the time, and just tired in general. It's been a LOOONG morning for me :)
But I have to admit something this week, in about three days, I became a Lord of the Rings fan. I read 200 pages in that time. I don't know how good that is, but considering last time I tried to read it, I only got about 40% of what was being said and I probably only made it to page 40. I just passed the part where Frodo gets stabbed by the Witch King and tonight (hopefully) I'll watch the first movie.
Total nerd now. :)
But I'm not really the biggest fan of Frodo, I watched this review thing that said there's something in the Lord of the Rings for everyone to connect with. The hobbits, Aragorn, Legolas, and so forth. I'm sorry, I'm not really voting for the good guys, the Nazgul is where I connect, as it probably should have been easy to figure out. But everyone has something they're possessed with watching right? I like watching the Nazgul to try and figure out how my wraiths would act and react to things and what they would look like as they did.
Oh, totally random fact, even if you did see a wraith, there's no possible way to capture it on film or with a camera no matter how advanced your camera is. It will either freeze over in your hands, or the only thing you'll get is a large black blob where the wraith is. Their auras are so dark, their essence so evil, you can't photograph them, in fact, in real life you can't even see them that well.
Okay I'm done being a nerd =) oddly enough, though I know all this about wraiths, I'd never make it as a shade hunter, that's a person in Twisted who is trained in the art of hunting and eliminating darker beings, the darker the being, the more they get paid for destroying it. I couldn't survive doing that, especially since you can't quit, once you've established the fact that you're a shade hunter, the undead have this nasty habit of trying to get rid of you, even after you've claimed to retire, they'll take advantage of your retirement and come in to get you. I'd be the Cowardly Lion version of a shade hunter.
Sorry, I'm blabbing about wraiths again. They fascinate me.
Anyway, for those of you wondering about the health issues I've been facing, they haven't gone away. I mean the palpitations stopped for a while, but came back on the 22nd, it was so bad yesterday I could hardly breathe. My cold is mostly gone, except for the cough, and I start wheezing if I do anything too intense. Sigh. I wish some doctor could figure out what this is, it's part of the reason (I'm guessing) that I'm so tired.


  1. I'm so sorry! I'd hoped the palpitations were gone for good. I can't imagine how frustrating that is for you. I am glad to hear that your cold is starting to go away--good for you to write while you have it instead of giving it up for the week like I would have done.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry for the deleted comment, my iPod was being slow. I'm glad the cold is gone as well. It was a killer :)
