Thursday, October 10, 2013

In the Midst

Something awful has happened. It's been an emotional night and day, where I've been on the balance between okay and positively terrified.
I'm not saying what happened yet. I don't know all the details and I don't want to curse anything. But it's happening in the past, and everything is repeating almost exactly same way as it did before. Almost exactly the same days.
Part of me suspected this would happen. The other half didn't want to accept it. I began panicking two nights ago that it would and last night after dinner I learned that it had, and I apologize, I'm practically speaking in riddles.
It's kind of what this feels like.
A riddle that refuses to be answered.
I'm also really cold, I popped my jaw out of place on accident and I burned my finger so badly it blistered. Things are not looking up. How many downs must a person suffer before an up is within sight?
It is a powerful master.


  1. Oh, Tayla! I wish I'd read your blog before tonight. Are you doing any better? Is it your heart again? If you don't want to share what is going on, then I understand and I respect that, but I sure hope you get over this soon--whatever it is. I'm going to pray for you.

    1. My family experienced an early and unexpected death of my little brother Jason. Thank you for your concern :)
