Don't believe me? Here's picture proof.
Now, my big question is, how can people cause this and live with themselves? I spent the entire day yesterday crying because of the thoughtless actions of others. How can people do this? Why? How did society become so heartless that they can crush me like this and not even care afterwards?
Needless to say, I'm switching classes. I can't take it anymore. My whole class treats me like the biggest wart on the foot of society and I've had enough. You can only take so much dirt before you begin to be buried and I'm not taking anymore of their mud-slinging.
Why am I whining? Well, I want to tell someone. I want to get my words out before I got nuts. I've been treated like this my WHOLE life. (Except for 2nd and 3rd grade, I can't remember much about Kindergarten or 1st grade) I've snapped, I want to get even. I know this is wrong, but I don't want to passively stand to the side and let them throw dirt at me.
I guess Taylor Swift's song Mean comes in to play now, that one line in the second verse, "I bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold, but the cycle ends right now, you can't lead me down that road." (Taylor Swift on her album Speak Now)
I'm standing up for myself, I'm not turning the cold shoulder on them, if they need to talk to someone I'm there. I'm just grabbing my shield and blocking their dirt. No more mud in my mouth. They're not worth it.
That's all.
Think twice about what you say and what you do. You could cause someone to look like I did yesterday. You won't be proud of what you've done, I can promise you that.