Monday, November 4, 2013


Ever had one of those bad days when it seemed that everything was combining against you? You woke up two hours before your alarm, couldn't fall back to sleep, then you suffered through endless schoolwork that was so dull you felt as though you were dying and then you see that something you worked hard on was an epic failure.
Yep. That's me today.
Except it was only an hour before my alarm and I chose to wake up.
The print copy of Twisted may be delayed even further, the cover is arguing with me and I'm seriously reaching the end of my rope and I've got some impressive rope burns from sliding down it. ;)
Yesterday I was so sick I could barely sit up, that lack of energy is following me today even though I'm somewhat better. I want to sit on the couch and do nothing but watch TV and that normally doesn't happen. I hate watching TV. Yes. I know. A teenager that despises TV. Let's clarify here, I hate watching things with no plot, or with plots that I can predict. There's a TV show that I can literally mouth every word the characters are about to say even though I've never seen them before, but I've seen so many things like it that when it comes to the show I already know what's going to happen.
I hate predictability. I want to be surprised!
But not like the surprise I got today. It was a nasty one. The original cover was too dark because of the layer I had behind it when it was flattened. I tried fixing that, but I did it wrong and now I have to fight it some more and I'm tired of arguing with it, hence the "only want to watch TV" mood.
But I am happy to announce that I fixed a problem that's been bugging me for years. It used to be that on Sunday to Monday nights I couldn't sleep. It was a regular occurance for me to stay up until 3 because I couldn't fall asleep. I figured out the problem completely on accident. I was staying up too late and wiring myself (meaning my body was tired, but it was wired to stay awake) and on a Sunday when I'd had enough and went to bed at 9:40 a time I rarely hit the sack at, I slept like a rock.
Okay so I'll give myself this credit, this year I learned how to solve problems. :)
Now if only I could figure out how to fix my cover. It's the only thing holding me back.

Check out my Facebook page for Twisted

And the Kindle edition


  1. I'm glad you figured out your sleeplessness problem, but I'm sorry that things are going so much slower than you had hoped! I know absolutely nothing about doing covers and dealing with all that so I can't offer any help. But I feel for you!

    1. The cover problem has been solved (thankfully!) it just took some arguing with computers. Twisted is ready to be purchased, both print and kindle editions!

  2. Congratulations!!!!! You deserve it!!!!
