Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Story (and Secret) Haunt Me

Confession time,
I'm a bit of a wimp, I even took a test yesterday telling me that I AM a wimp, (it made me laugh so hard I copy and pasted it) Why am I saying this? Well, I can sit at my computer for hours on end writing about the most horrifying things and not break a sweat, I've even gone as far as to say "If I got chased by something like that, I wouldn't be afraid."
Ooh, that was a lie. I dreamt last night that I was in a Harry Potter movie and both he and Ron were sitting by this muddy bank by a river (not a money bank, a river bank, just to clear up) and there was this narration voice saying, "And this was the first time Harry saw the skeletal hand pick grass," sounds stupid right? Until you see it. Yes, there was a skeleton hand picking grass and I KNEW the rest of it was going to burst out of the ground and I was literally screaming at Harry and Ron to run, but they didn't, they just sat there until the whole thing crawled out of the ground and it was like there was this prerecorded message that went with the skeleton as it grinned at Harry and Ron and me, and it went something like this, "I am a zombie, I don't understand pleading, or mercy. I am me and you are delicious." and of course it started to chase me.
I woke myself up from that dream terrified, I was literally flinching at every sound, you know that scary, "I just woke up from a nightmare" feeling? Yeah, all morning. I was so happy when the sun started to come up!
Thankfully I now know the interpretation behind this dream, apparently the stresses and things I'm keeping to myself are eating me alive! (I am a stress, I don't understand mercy or pleading, I am me, and YOU are delicious) it was amazing how accurate the interpretation my sister sent me via email was. My only problem is I don't know what to do about it, I think stepping back and evaluating everything would be a good idea, I've got my face in the fire and the only thing that happens when you get that close to flames is getting burned.
It's time to kick all of those nasty "you can't do it" "Why bother trying? You WILL fail" "You should have taken up knitting" feelings out of me, it's getting so bad, my mind is trying to send me a message to STOP DWELLING ON THEM!
That's all. :)

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